We build the capacity of the recovery community to advance substance use recovery and
mental health wellness by catalyzing public understanding and shaping public policy.
Create a statewide community that celebrates and advocates for recovery.
Recovery is a reality for all.
The WRA is dedicated to ensuring that our actions are aligned with the following values:
Recovery: We put recovery first
Connection: We recover in community
Equity: We are committed to advancing behavioral health equity so that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to attain and retain their recovery
Lived Experience: We will center the leadership and voice of people to have lived experience or recovery.
Advocacy: We believe that every person deserves to participate in the decision making process that impacts their lives and their loved ones
Hope: We are committed to bringing hope to our communities as this is the foundation of recovery
The WRA honors and operates by the following principles of recovery:
Recovery is an individual process based on self-determination and self-direction.
You are in recovery when you say you are.
There are multiple pathways to recovery.
Recovery and self-care are a personal responsibility.
Recovery is holistic and encompasses all aspects of a person’s life including family, mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Recovery is a dynamic process. There can be both growth and setbacks in each person’s recovery journey.
Recovery and a life in the community should be accessible to all. Recovery through mutual peer support provides nonjudgmental acceptance and a sense of belonging in the community.
Recovery supporters and advocates meet the person seeking recovery and their families where they are at.
On New Day Northwest with Margaret Larson, WRA's Strategy Director, Lauren Davis, joins Dr. Ruby Takushi of Recovery Cafe and Recovery Coach Eva James to discuss recovery coaches and how they create unique action plans tailored toward the individual.